Sounds List
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Whit this function you can create any combination of PC Speaker sounds and connect its with the keyboard events (ex: pression of a key with Caps Lock on). The list conatin all the custom sounds availables. "Beep" is the standard sound, it can not be deleted, you can only modify the default settings (time and Frequency), when, for some reasons, the selected sound (PC Speaker or WAV file) can not be played, the program use the standard "Beep" sound to warn the users about the keyboard event occurred.  
·Make new sound  
Shows the window that allows the making of a new sound combination.  
·Delete sound  
Delete the current selected sound in the list.  
·Edit sound  
Show the window that allows editing the selected sound.  
·Test sound  
Play the sound combination connected with the current selection using the PC Speaker.  
Whit the "Make sound" dialog you can create a combination of PC Speaker sounds. One sound is composed by two elements, the Time that is the length of the sound, and the Frequency. You can add, modify or remove any sound with the specific button. You can set also the pause between one sound to another. Any created sounds combination must to have a name (label) for marking it in the list. With the arrow buttons you can modify the order of every sounds and you can set if one sound must be played before another, the full combination is played in the order from top to botton.